my word

read and enjoy what God is teaching me everyday as I strive to be an imiator of him and as I long to live life to the fullest until the day that I will lie facedown...before my King, my Father. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." ~ 1 Peter 1:8

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

God's Plan

I went to summitview for the first time in months. WE had a short message and then a little movie. The movie was about this guy named Craig who fell a 100 Ft! And lived! The story is amazing but what he pointed out was the question. "What does God have to do to get your attention?" For him it was falling. For me it was a simple bruise, that hurt a lot, the size of a giant baked potato( grown in Idaho of course!) and kept me off my feet for 3 weeks.

It happened playing soccer, I got kicked, Sunday night. We packed and left Iowa Tues, packed and left Colorado for Ireland Thurs. Friday night I was told to stay off of my leg until it healed. So I sat. Standing up to get around and to sing hymns. It hurt to walk and even to stand longer than 5 min. That meant that I would stay back at Charleville while everybody went out to share and go door to door. I stayed back and sort things, stuffed tracts, helped in the kitchen, folded napkins and did what every job they gave me. I came to Ireland to share the Gospel, experience mission life and to grow in Christ. These things were accomplished in God's way not mine.

In that time God taught me many things that I knew before but not completely and still not.

- Humility
- Be thankful for everything
- We should be living sacrifices, Romans 12
- Be content Philippians 4:12-13
- Always be joyful 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
- good will come of this Romans 8:28
- I get to suffer for Christ! 1 Peter 4:12-13
- He chooses the weak, and we are the weak 1 Corinthians 1:26-28
- We all have different jobs for God 1 Corinthians 3:7-9
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
- Work for the Lord Colossians 3:23
- Psalm 147:10-11
- There is nothing we can do without God

The biggest thing I realized just now is that God is constantly working in our lives (2 cor. 3:18) to sanctify us! We will never realize how much he has done until when he chooses to reveal. This time in Ireland was a time when he unveiled what he has been doing but only in a small dose. We are growing, we are being sanctified not just when we see it. Praise God.

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