my word

read and enjoy what God is teaching me everyday as I strive to be an imiator of him and as I long to live life to the fullest until the day that I will lie facedown...before my King, my Father. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." ~ 1 Peter 1:8

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Our Maker and Lover

I'm not much of a creationist or much of a romantic but one doesn't have to be one to see God's glory all around. What started out as a sort of depressing walk because I began to feel as though my world was slowly crumbling and during the summer I didn't notice. But wait I told myself as I found myself slowly slipping from the truth of God's power and goodness, but wait...don't let Satan have a foot hold on you or those you love...hold to your Rock!...Okay God I'm speechless but you know my heart you know where I'm taking my mind...stop me, help oh merciful and loving God, I choose you...I Love You and You Love Me! The two metal bands around my finger remind me of this...There is victory in you, I've seen it, I know it, I really know and believe...Your Cross! My sins are forgiven, you bought me, you died for me...The cross around my neck oh as a reminder of this truth, there is, there is victory in you...Oh and there is more, for the Godhead is three...Holy Spirit I know you are there, I feel you moving inside, sometimes very faintly and sometimes very strongly, you are there I know! Guide me oh God!

And so as I was walking from my dorm to the forest that so many times before has been a place for me to meet God. The mist in the air to some was an odd sort of thing but it has always been a favorite, so I know it was no coincidence. I love to walk in mist and rain for I feel more connected with God. Getting to the forest I just stopped and started feeling the pine needles of this one tree. Odd sort of thing if you grab for it you get pricked and don't successfully grab a hold of it but if you sweep your hand the direction of the needles it flattens out and you find your self holding and petting this branch. On to a different pine tree, it had different needles and they were more stiff but the same idea. I began touching every leave as I looped my self through the forest. Each tree was different and each leaf was different. It was amazing to think that God made each different like that. He determined the size of the leaf, the feel, the type, the number of ripples(veins), what else was on the tree(fruit, flowers, cotton). God did this and even greater still is he made each of us even more complex than these trees, creator...every mole on my skin known, every vein, every hair, every wrinkly crease, every cell...WOW!

Even more amazing to me is not so much that he knows how many hairs are on my head but that he knows every tear that I shed, he knows every time my heart sinks, he knows every sorrow, every pain, every struggle...every joy, every smile, oh every smile, every sunny moment, every laugh, every love...he knows all and loves all. He is as gentle as a leaf that catches a raindrop and as patient as a hand that waits for every raindrop/tear that falls. He is gently waiting for his children, each one to run to him...Oh what a resting and peaceful thought. Just stop and rest in that peace...(run home)...stop and smell him in the rain, hear him in the birds and the rustle of the wind, taste him in the cold air and the sweet honey of a comb, and see him in the shades of color all around, feel him in the leaves and the raindrops that fall to your skin...Kisses! Close your eyes and feel each drop touch your face...God is in control of each rain drop...kisses from God...if that doesn't brighten your day then ask God to reveal himself to you because he will...really...For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) God is all around even during the darkest nights.

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