Oh the truth, even though the author of this quote was referring to horror movies, there is truth in it. Where is the fear of God? Maybe God will bring back the days of the old testement stories when God would just strick somebody dead like Uzzah, they were made an example of. "The LORD's anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God." - 1 Chronicles 13:10 You knew what things were wrong, you knew what God hated but now what? Godlessness is everywhere but nobody has been struck dead. Might I get struck dead? Do I have the fear of God in me?
"...but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." - Proverbs 31:30 For us women we are called to have the fear of Lord in us, do I?
my word
read and enjoy what God is teaching me everyday as I strive to be an imiator of him and as I long to live life to the fullest until the day that I will stand...no lie facedown...before my King, my Father. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." ~ 1 Peter 1:8
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
forever never?
a poem of hope
i wish to write
of joy and love
but only a poem
of terrible end
sorrow and love
i can create
i read revalation
and call you
how can i deny
that if you die
forever and never
shall be
goodbye one last
i hope God will
change your cold heart
repent of your past
present and future
come to your Lord
knees and tears
my poem, my pray
I died and my life
is in him
onlyy a God could
explain where i've come
only God can change
your heart
no word of mine
not me but him
and open arms
he waits
waited for me
and now you
i will continue
to write and call
and visit
as serious as death
you stand
if death came near
would forever
not be never
written july 2006
i wish to write
of joy and love
but only a poem
of terrible end
sorrow and love
i can create
i read revalation
and call you
how can i deny
that if you die
forever and never
shall be
goodbye one last
i hope God will
change your cold heart
repent of your past
present and future
come to your Lord
knees and tears
my poem, my pray
I died and my life
is in him
onlyy a God could
explain where i've come
only God can change
your heart
no word of mine
not me but him
and open arms
he waits
waited for me
and now you
i will continue
to write and call
and visit
as serious as death
you stand
if death came near
would forever
not be never
written july 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
"Who am I"
I was born on April 1st, 1986 and yes that is April fool’s Day, which is part of me because on this day people make extra effort to laugh and to make others laugh. This is a goal of mine, well maybe not a goal but it just kind of happens. Maybe because I try to embrace life, enjoy life! When you enjoy life you can’t help but smile and can’t help but not care what others think. That is why I’m often found in funny situations, like when cleaning my room or whenever I do any kind of clean up I always end up wearing what I find. If it just be a big hat, belt and cape so be it or maybe it is Mardi Gras decorations, or maybe crepe paper, or whatever, I try to have fun in times that often we don’t, like cleaning or waiting in line or before class or walking somewhere or hanging out with friends. I’m the girl that is often found dancing in the rain, singing in the shower, skipping to class, chasing squirrels, laughing in the Cafeteria when she is found shouting out “Abra – Ham” while holding up a piece of ham, and so the laughter goes on. But it isn’t all about laughing for laughter is too much of an attention getter and that is why I really like to smile even more. Smiling at people everywhere and attempting to have a moment with a random stranger as we smile at each other. Changing a person’s frown to a smile or even just a grin makes me smile more. It isn’t about me it is about the smile and the joy of life, if it be me or somebody else or both, that is what I love. I love children when they are just glowing with that innocent smile, they love life. I love seeing older couples smiling at each other because you know, that smile isn’t fake, that smile comes from hardship and struggles and a genuine love of life together! That leads me to the other part of me the hearty and more deep part, I too have gone through hard times. Those times when you just can’t smile for real and you just don’t have to. The times when all I can do is cry myself to sleep, the times when even the love of a dog when it licks my hand doesn’t lift my heart, these are the times when I think I really grow as an individual. I have to chose to lift my head, seek help in whatever form it maybe (doctors, therapy, medication or the hug of a friend) and see the hope. Joy! Not instantly but from every struggle and trial comes joy, not to be confused with the word “happy” because from my point of view Joy doesn’t mean laughter and smiles, it means embracing life, being thankful. Every second here is a gift of grace from God.
I was born again September 24, 2004. That day my “Who am I” story changed. My identity is now in Him. I am a daughter of God, I’m promised an eternal life with my creator, savior, king and father. I’m promised a life that will never be apart from his love, even during the hard times. I’m promised purpose in life because he has a good plan for me. I’m promised an ever-present helper and the list goes on. My passions are even deeper and my enjoyments in life are more satisfying because I enjoy them with Him. I love running even more because I can pray and talk to him every time and in the mornings I can look at His sunrises. I love the outdoors everything from wind and rain to the grass and trees to the eagle and the grasshopper. I love just going for hikes and bike rides or just sit out and look at the clouds and rustle of the leaves by day and the stars and moon by night. Before I go to bed ever since I was a little girl I would just stare out my window it has always been calming and a comfort as though somebody is watching over me and now I know it to be true. I love movies with friends that make you cry and/or laugh hysterically. I love music that makes me dance or calms me to a peace that leaves me reflecting upon my king. I love hugs from a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. I love driving to the airport to drop off/pick up a friend. I love to look into people’s eyes especially when they are sharing a passion because you can see the joy in their eyes. I love road trips with friends across the country; the past 2 years I have gone to Iowa City twice, New Mexico, Missouri and Louisiana twice. I love bugs and am excited to take entomology in the spring. I am currently colleting playing cards one card at a time until I have a full 52 card deck of random cards and random stories of where they were found. My middle toe is longer than all the rest which always reminds me that I am an unique individual so embrace it. We are all different and that is beautiful. We are all a story that should be read but right now we are writing it…
I was born again September 24, 2004. That day my “Who am I” story changed. My identity is now in Him. I am a daughter of God, I’m promised an eternal life with my creator, savior, king and father. I’m promised a life that will never be apart from his love, even during the hard times. I’m promised purpose in life because he has a good plan for me. I’m promised an ever-present helper and the list goes on. My passions are even deeper and my enjoyments in life are more satisfying because I enjoy them with Him. I love running even more because I can pray and talk to him every time and in the mornings I can look at His sunrises. I love the outdoors everything from wind and rain to the grass and trees to the eagle and the grasshopper. I love just going for hikes and bike rides or just sit out and look at the clouds and rustle of the leaves by day and the stars and moon by night. Before I go to bed ever since I was a little girl I would just stare out my window it has always been calming and a comfort as though somebody is watching over me and now I know it to be true. I love movies with friends that make you cry and/or laugh hysterically. I love music that makes me dance or calms me to a peace that leaves me reflecting upon my king. I love hugs from a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. I love driving to the airport to drop off/pick up a friend. I love to look into people’s eyes especially when they are sharing a passion because you can see the joy in their eyes. I love road trips with friends across the country; the past 2 years I have gone to Iowa City twice, New Mexico, Missouri and Louisiana twice. I love bugs and am excited to take entomology in the spring. I am currently colleting playing cards one card at a time until I have a full 52 card deck of random cards and random stories of where they were found. My middle toe is longer than all the rest which always reminds me that I am an unique individual so embrace it. We are all different and that is beautiful. We are all a story that should be read but right now we are writing it…
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Pray for Randy
Thank you God for a story that one can clearly say was from you. Only through your power and bigness could it have happened. Last night I was tired and sore but part of me thought I should go distribute papers for the student voice, so I went. Prayer, assignments, go!
Our team got a map and a list, but wait one of the buildings wasn't on the map but it was on the list, odd! I was sent off to the animal sciences building and the the microbology (not on the map so I had no idea where to go) I thought maybe it was next to the animal sciences building but it wasn't. Now it is night so nobody is around and there are no maps. But by God's will there was this man in the distance and so I asked and sure enough he knew! Since it was on the way to his car he walked with me.
He told me that is baby daughter just went of to college and I told him that I have an idea how it feels because when I left it was hard on my dad as well, for I was the baby girl in the family as well. Instantly he was grateful. He told me alot, especially about his website, which I'll post on here at the bottom. It is a art site, graphic art. It's purpose is to encourage especially those who have lost a loved one. He started it 2 years ago without any knowledge of technical art, but he was burdened to put together this site. He was a man of passion to help those in pain.
To top it off he is a Christian and shared his gratitude for the cross. Seeing this as an hour that was planned by God I asked him for prayer request. Pray that Randy keeps up this sort of ministry for though he knows it has helped many it is hard to do it and he often gets discouraged. Pray for his son, Ben, that he would return to the Lord.
Thank you God for Randy and for the opportunity to be used by you to encourage a brother.
Our team got a map and a list, but wait one of the buildings wasn't on the map but it was on the list, odd! I was sent off to the animal sciences building and the the microbology (not on the map so I had no idea where to go) I thought maybe it was next to the animal sciences building but it wasn't. Now it is night so nobody is around and there are no maps. But by God's will there was this man in the distance and so I asked and sure enough he knew! Since it was on the way to his car he walked with me.
He told me that is baby daughter just went of to college and I told him that I have an idea how it feels because when I left it was hard on my dad as well, for I was the baby girl in the family as well. Instantly he was grateful. He told me alot, especially about his website, which I'll post on here at the bottom. It is a art site, graphic art. It's purpose is to encourage especially those who have lost a loved one. He started it 2 years ago without any knowledge of technical art, but he was burdened to put together this site. He was a man of passion to help those in pain.
To top it off he is a Christian and shared his gratitude for the cross. Seeing this as an hour that was planned by God I asked him for prayer request. Pray that Randy keeps up this sort of ministry for though he knows it has helped many it is hard to do it and he often gets discouraged. Pray for his son, Ben, that he would return to the Lord.
Thank you God for Randy and for the opportunity to be used by you to encourage a brother.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Our Maker and Lover
I'm not much of a creationist or much of a romantic but one doesn't have to be one to see God's glory all around. What started out as a sort of depressing walk because I began to feel as though my world was slowly crumbling and during the summer I didn't notice. But wait I told myself as I found myself slowly slipping from the truth of God's power and goodness, but wait...don't let Satan have a foot hold on you or those you love...hold to your Rock!...Okay God I'm speechless but you know my heart you know where I'm taking my mind...stop me, help oh merciful and loving God, I choose you...I Love You and You Love Me! The two metal bands around my finger remind me of this...There is victory in you, I've seen it, I know it, I really know and believe...Your Cross! My sins are forgiven, you bought me, you died for me...The cross around my neck oh as a reminder of this truth, there is, there is victory in you...Oh and there is more, for the Godhead is three...Holy Spirit I know you are there, I feel you moving inside, sometimes very faintly and sometimes very strongly, you are there I know! Guide me oh God!
And so as I was walking from my dorm to the forest that so many times before has been a place for me to meet God. The mist in the air to some was an odd sort of thing but it has always been a favorite, so I know it was no coincidence. I love to walk in mist and rain for I feel more connected with God. Getting to the forest I just stopped and started feeling the pine needles of this one tree. Odd sort of thing if you grab for it you get pricked and don't successfully grab a hold of it but if you sweep your hand the direction of the needles it flattens out and you find your self holding and petting this branch. On to a different pine tree, it had different needles and they were more stiff but the same idea. I began touching every leave as I looped my self through the forest. Each tree was different and each leaf was different. It was amazing to think that God made each different like that. He determined the size of the leaf, the feel, the type, the number of ripples(veins), what else was on the tree(fruit, flowers, cotton). God did this and even greater still is he made each of us even more complex than these trees, wow...my creator...every mole on my skin known, every vein, every hair, every wrinkly crease, every cell...WOW!
Even more amazing to me is not so much that he knows how many hairs are on my head but that he knows every tear that I shed, he knows every time my heart sinks, he knows every sorrow, every pain, every struggle...every joy, every smile, oh every smile, every sunny moment, every laugh, every love...he knows all and loves all. He is as gentle as a leaf that catches a raindrop and as patient as a hand that waits for every raindrop/tear that falls. He is gently waiting for his children, each one to run to him...Oh what a resting and peaceful thought. Just stop and rest in that peace...(run home)...stop and smell him in the rain, hear him in the birds and the rustle of the wind, taste him in the cold air and the sweet honey of a comb, and see him in the shades of color all around, feel him in the leaves and the raindrops that fall to your skin...Kisses! Close your eyes and feel each drop touch your face...God is in control of each rain drop...kisses from God...if that doesn't brighten your day then ask God to reveal himself to you because he will...really...For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) God is all around even during the darkest nights.
And so as I was walking from my dorm to the forest that so many times before has been a place for me to meet God. The mist in the air to some was an odd sort of thing but it has always been a favorite, so I know it was no coincidence. I love to walk in mist and rain for I feel more connected with God. Getting to the forest I just stopped and started feeling the pine needles of this one tree. Odd sort of thing if you grab for it you get pricked and don't successfully grab a hold of it but if you sweep your hand the direction of the needles it flattens out and you find your self holding and petting this branch. On to a different pine tree, it had different needles and they were more stiff but the same idea. I began touching every leave as I looped my self through the forest. Each tree was different and each leaf was different. It was amazing to think that God made each different like that. He determined the size of the leaf, the feel, the type, the number of ripples(veins), what else was on the tree(fruit, flowers, cotton). God did this and even greater still is he made each of us even more complex than these trees, wow...my creator...every mole on my skin known, every vein, every hair, every wrinkly crease, every cell...WOW!
Even more amazing to me is not so much that he knows how many hairs are on my head but that he knows every tear that I shed, he knows every time my heart sinks, he knows every sorrow, every pain, every struggle...every joy, every smile, oh every smile, every sunny moment, every laugh, every love...he knows all and loves all. He is as gentle as a leaf that catches a raindrop and as patient as a hand that waits for every raindrop/tear that falls. He is gently waiting for his children, each one to run to him...Oh what a resting and peaceful thought. Just stop and rest in that peace...(run home)...stop and smell him in the rain, hear him in the birds and the rustle of the wind, taste him in the cold air and the sweet honey of a comb, and see him in the shades of color all around, feel him in the leaves and the raindrops that fall to your skin...Kisses! Close your eyes and feel each drop touch your face...God is in control of each rain drop...kisses from God...if that doesn't brighten your day then ask God to reveal himself to you because he will...really...For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) God is all around even during the darkest nights.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Are you awake?
I reread my blog entry about train whistles this night because right before I shut my eyes for bed I heard that faint but near sound of the train whistle. I instantly thought of my entry about train whistles and how it for me was a sound of fear of God because something in my life wasn't right. But this not the whistle had a different effect, still a sound of fear of God but this time I thought of being on the verge of seeing something glorious. Maybe I'm still on a spiritual high from the summer or maybe the Holy spirit within me is causing my soul to excite for what is to come. "Jesus said to her, 'Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?'" - John 11:40 we will see the glory of God...SEE THE GLORY OF GOD!
the train whistle was like God awaking me, my soul to the idea of his great plan, Oh to see this plan unfold, to be in this plan, to be used by God. It is like God unrolls the map to plan the attack and begins to shout out orders, you go here, you do this...Abra I want you to be here...be on your guard my warriors. "But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them." - Mark 13:9
Work hard, battling for him, give your all to him, and don't find yourself sleeping and missing it all, I don't want to miss it. "For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." - 1 Thess 5:2 This very night he could come...Are you awake?
the train whistle was like God awaking me, my soul to the idea of his great plan, Oh to see this plan unfold, to be in this plan, to be used by God. It is like God unrolls the map to plan the attack and begins to shout out orders, you go here, you do this...Abra I want you to be here...be on your guard my warriors. "But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them." - Mark 13:9
Work hard, battling for him, give your all to him, and don't find yourself sleeping and missing it all, I don't want to miss it. "For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." - 1 Thess 5:2 This very night he could come...Are you awake?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Are you to be pitied or just disappointed?
"If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men" - 1 Corinthians 15:19
I never claimed to be much of a writer but when thoughts in verses constantly repeat in my head or when I read something that just leaves me in that moment of speechless ness and awe because your little world was just turned upside down and the containts of your box was dumped on the floor, I just have to write.
Well if you think your box is not very well organized or your world seems a little too plain...give it to God...Oh there is no turning back after that at least I hope. I never heard of amusment park rides going backwards or people driving backwards on a freeway. Once you give your life to GOd be prepared to let go of the stearing wheel and the gas pedal.
Any who, that above verse and John Piper's words in "Desiring God" (A must read) about suffering and pretty mch everything else awoke me, or at least was the poke right before God dumps the bucket of ice water on my head, I can't really tell. But I do know that I'm having to rearrange my box and put everything back in, or not. I guess I'm getting around to throwing away all the trash that was cluttered in my heart and my head.
That leads me to giving up that fleshly part of me that just wants to fit into the world, some don't see me as one who has problems standing out well your wrong, we all do. We all want to fit in, have newest fashion, the newest techno thing, the newest car, the best job, the newest this and that, the best this, the best that...Conforming to the world ( what we shouldn't be doing according to Romans 12) is hard work...but that is what our flesh wants to do...really it is us trying to satisfy that desire God put in us, which we don't realize that he is the piece. We are like the kid trying to put the square block in the circle hole, it doesn't work to well, so then we try the triangle block, still don't work...we need the circle...we need God...Why that seems easy!
That leads me to what poked at my head last night what Travis said during worship night at the Rock, we sometimes wake up forgetting God until much later in the day. When he said that I just thought he was silly and proudly thought to myself I could never forget God...but wait!...we do...I do. So often I just forget about him and I forget about the time it was revealed to me that the circle block goes in the circle hole...that God satisfies us completely!
John 3:29 - Joy complete
1 Thess 5:23 - Sanctify completely
James 1:4 - be complete
What trully brought me to the point of writing my thoughts was this quote in the book I' currently reading (The Burden is Light by Eugenia Price)
"I am either stumbling onto Reality or I'm on my way to a padded cell. It has to be one or the other." She was on the verge of excepting God at this point, she recgnized that if she was going to become a Christian she would have to be a full out disciple not some luke warm only go to church on sundays dead christian. She recognized that God was not just another accessory in our closet, oh no he is the center, the foundation, the core, the rock, where our heart should be beating for, our bones ache for, our souls thirst for, our feet run to, and our voices sing to..."As long as I live I will live for you"..."It all for you, I'm letting go, I'm letting go"..."Jesus You are the reason I live"...The worships songs to ring in me today from last night and so does Paul's words "If only for this life we have hopein Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."
Brothers and sisters what are you living for?
Are you living a life that is to be pitied more than all men if the resurrection wasn't true, if Christ wasn't real?
Do others see God in you? (without the cross around your neck, the ring on your finger, the christiany shirt, the bible verses adorning your room, the bible in your hand) Is your very life reflecting God's Glory?
I never claimed to be much of a writer but when thoughts in verses constantly repeat in my head or when I read something that just leaves me in that moment of speechless ness and awe because your little world was just turned upside down and the containts of your box was dumped on the floor, I just have to write.
Well if you think your box is not very well organized or your world seems a little too plain...give it to God...Oh there is no turning back after that at least I hope. I never heard of amusment park rides going backwards or people driving backwards on a freeway. Once you give your life to GOd be prepared to let go of the stearing wheel and the gas pedal.
Any who, that above verse and John Piper's words in "Desiring God" (A must read) about suffering and pretty mch everything else awoke me, or at least was the poke right before God dumps the bucket of ice water on my head, I can't really tell. But I do know that I'm having to rearrange my box and put everything back in, or not. I guess I'm getting around to throwing away all the trash that was cluttered in my heart and my head.
That leads me to giving up that fleshly part of me that just wants to fit into the world, some don't see me as one who has problems standing out well your wrong, we all do. We all want to fit in, have newest fashion, the newest techno thing, the newest car, the best job, the newest this and that, the best this, the best that...Conforming to the world ( what we shouldn't be doing according to Romans 12) is hard work...but that is what our flesh wants to do...really it is us trying to satisfy that desire God put in us, which we don't realize that he is the piece. We are like the kid trying to put the square block in the circle hole, it doesn't work to well, so then we try the triangle block, still don't work...we need the circle...we need God...Why that seems easy!
That leads me to what poked at my head last night what Travis said during worship night at the Rock, we sometimes wake up forgetting God until much later in the day. When he said that I just thought he was silly and proudly thought to myself I could never forget God...but wait!...we do...I do. So often I just forget about him and I forget about the time it was revealed to me that the circle block goes in the circle hole...that God satisfies us completely!
John 3:29 - Joy complete
1 Thess 5:23 - Sanctify completely
James 1:4 - be complete
What trully brought me to the point of writing my thoughts was this quote in the book I' currently reading (The Burden is Light by Eugenia Price)
"I am either stumbling onto Reality or I'm on my way to a padded cell. It has to be one or the other." She was on the verge of excepting God at this point, she recgnized that if she was going to become a Christian she would have to be a full out disciple not some luke warm only go to church on sundays dead christian. She recognized that God was not just another accessory in our closet, oh no he is the center, the foundation, the core, the rock, where our heart should be beating for, our bones ache for, our souls thirst for, our feet run to, and our voices sing to..."As long as I live I will live for you"..."It all for you, I'm letting go, I'm letting go"..."Jesus You are the reason I live"...The worships songs to ring in me today from last night and so does Paul's words "If only for this life we have hopein Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."
Brothers and sisters what are you living for?
Are you living a life that is to be pitied more than all men if the resurrection wasn't true, if Christ wasn't real?
Do others see God in you? (without the cross around your neck, the ring on your finger, the christiany shirt, the bible verses adorning your room, the bible in your hand) Is your very life reflecting God's Glory?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
God be the center
Whenever I go into a store, coffee shop, somebody's house and pretty much any where I find myself envisioning destruction. I see fire engulf items, I see things floating in ten feet high flood waters, I see people left with only the clothes on their back, I see everything destroyed. I can't help it, Going to New Orleans awoke me to the matrialism of this world, of those around me and of my very self. And just like those I met in New Orleans they continue to collect those burnable items, those worldly idols that prevent us from standing before our God with confidence. The whole concept of "It won't happen to me" and "it won't happen again" There is no fear in any of us. I have no fear! I envision destruction all around me but yet I have no fear. I read verses telling me to sell all I have, give up all of me, give up my life, etc. I read about missionaries who God used to do amazing things and all the sacrifices they made and yet they said "I made no sacrifice". I recall my summer and which I lived in a run down B and B, endured the daily hot and humid weather, had to share a room and a bed, eat with plastic siverware, walked to work, had only enough clothes to last me a week and a half, I was rarely allowed to go off by myself, worked until my arms ached, ate the same thing every week and so on. THe kicker is I miss that life I miss how in sense it was easy to trust God because it was your only option. I had to find joy in him because there wasn't much that my flesh found fun, I had to find love in him so I could stand living with that many people for 10 weeks, I had to find contentment in him because my flesh was never going to find it. I had to trust in him, but now I'm back..."cultural shock" some might say..yeah! Because like that believer from China said about America we can get by without God...in a sense it is harder to trust God when at home I can eat all I want, I can sleep in my own room, I can watch whatever I want on tv or whatever movie, I can go shopping and get any clothes I want, I can just turn up AC when I get hot, I can sit on my bum all day, I can do and go anywhere I want without God! That is scary! The temptations are so close and the devil is trying hard to bring us along in life not realizing until we get to the moment before God when he judges all we have done and all we have to bring to him is a closet full of clothes, a fast red sports car, a fridge of tasty delights, a bank account full of numbers and a heart of stone.
You read this and your bones shake but then what, you listen to the revival hymn finding your breath quicken then what, you see the world and the lost in the eyes of God then what, you stop your sinning for 30 minutes or maybe a couple hours and then forget how your heart ached for what God's heart aches for then what? Then what? God I pray that our hearts change, that you move in us for only you God can mold my heart.
You read this and your bones shake but then what, you listen to the revival hymn finding your breath quicken then what, you see the world and the lost in the eyes of God then what, you stop your sinning for 30 minutes or maybe a couple hours and then forget how your heart ached for what God's heart aches for then what? Then what? God I pray that our hearts change, that you move in us for only you God can mold my heart.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
More Churches on Overland, not Franklin
Have you ever found yourself on the course of Romans 7, stuck in that rut of wanting to follow God but your flesh powerfully is preventing you? Your mind is constantly wandering and your heart is tangled in sin, you just want to shout out "Victory!". This road is not a good one to be travelling down. Unless you let go and give God the wheel and get back on track you will only find yourself traveling farther and farther away from him and his real victory. Read on to Romans 8 and God's unseen brillant "Good" plan for your life. I don't know if I spoke clearly but I didn't hold this truth back, this revelation that may not be as important to you as it was to me. We all struggle with sin and trusting God with our lives.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 (Carved into a wooden plague at my grandma's house, who knows how many times I saw it and read it but until God touched my heart it remained just another grandmaish decoration. It still remains another grandmish decoration but at the right moment in time it reminded me the truth of the cross. Check with God that you are still on the "good" road)
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 (Carved into a wooden plague at my grandma's house, who knows how many times I saw it and read it but until God touched my heart it remained just another grandmaish decoration. It still remains another grandmish decoration but at the right moment in time it reminded me the truth of the cross. Check with God that you are still on the "good" road)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The day Germany lost to Texas in soccer
Today started with a ring on my doorbell, an odd sort of thing when you are mid-dream. My eyes open on the way to the door to find one of the cutest girls in my world. The next door neighbor Carissa, 7 years blonde blue eye aka 'Munchkin', greets me with much excitement to weed the garden. Quickly getting dressed and grabbing breakfast I pray a quick prayer for the day. I don't know how the next 5 hours glorified God but I know they did. We weeded, drank water, swung on a swing where I won the game, ate popsicles, rode bikes to the depot to look at orange fish and climb rocks, we rode back, played soccer where I(Germany in honor of Chris and Dave and their soccer tournaments) lost to a 7 year old Carissa and a 8 year old boy (They were Texas because I guess that is another country!), ate another popsicle, played baseball, played massive neighborhood hide and seek, played chase the new neighbor dog around a tree and the day ended with me staring at the tv for that instant satisfication that I once got before but now brought me not even an ounce of enjoyment. THat wasn't my whole day but it was the main chunck of it because when I come home, I come home to serve and love my family but also to spend time with and love on my 2 little neighbor girls. THey are apart of my life, a blessing from God.
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