“And you, son of man, neither fear them nor their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house. But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.” – Ezekiel 2:6,7
General observations include an apparent culture difference as I found myself missing free water, free restrooms and larger portions. At the same time I loved the use of bikes to travel throughout the city instead of cars and the many nationalities we encountered 143 to be precise. People were courteous and loved to chat. We rode on trams a good majority of our time and walked every where else and I had to use my map many times over. We stayed at the city shelter on bunks, using lockers to hold our stuff, sleeping with ear plugs and breakfast was usually four pieces of bread with ham/cheese/butter/jam (just a little odd!). We ate out or on the go the whole time and so I ended up trying some interesting foods! Stoopwafels are good, but drop (salty black licorice) is gross, fries with mayo are good and free tea is always nice.

On a heavier note, Amsterdam is indeed a dark place, spiritually. Most people I talked to didn’t believe in God and when asked what the purpose of life was, they would answer to be a good person and live at peace with others. Most didn’t even consider what would happen when they died and didn’t even care, it was just another surprise. The red light district, the soft porn, drugs and alcohol everywhere have just become part of life as sin holds many in bondage.
For being a church in the heart of this dark place and going through struggles with leadership and building issues, Zolder50 still holds so much faith. They welcomed us into their church and poured out their hearts to us as we became one with them. Their faith was a highlight for me as I didn’t expect to work so closely with them. With them we participated in their home groups (small groups) one of which was an all Dutch group that spoke Dutch the whole time. We baby-sat for several families and we participated in a three day serve the city event and festival for the city doing everything from painting, gardening, playing with kids, and handing out flowers.
With the rest of our time we went out sharing and conducting surveys about spiritual beliefs. One of my prayers before going to Amsterdam was to have one good conversation because it is a weakness of mine and I was discouraged because we had little time to go out sharing until the last week when God gave me this verse, “for ‘whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!’” – Romans 10:13-15 Later that day a team member and I met these two women who we talked to for almost two hours about spiritual beliefs and rarely drifted from the topic, encouraging because most people want to talk about everything but what they believe.

The second week we put on a three day seminar on world beliefs and each night had greater attendance and led to good conversations and connections/ relationships for Zolder50. As a group we united to pray for somebody to either get saved or to get connected to Zolder50 and stick with them. We didn’t see how God answered this prayer but lives were defiantly changed by us being there. We didn’t see the fruit but prayfully Zolder50 will reap from our sowing. “Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” – John 4:36 So rejoice for what God has done.
We also had the blessing to work with and encourage a ministry that has parked itself in the heart of the red light district, called the Cleft. They have set their heart and energy on witnessing to not only prostitutes and the men that are in bondage to this sexually sin but also to drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless and many others who find themselves trapped in their sin in this area of Amsterdam. We joined them on bridges over the canals of this district. Every week they go out and worship, read passages from scripture, pray and have conversations with whoever wants to talk. It was an amazing experience to read through Romans out loud as there was worship filling the air and as others were sharing the gospel in conversation. Pray for this ministry and that the Holy Spirit would continue to guide them.

The highlight of the trip for me was a prayer meeting that I participated in during the last night of the seminars. It was the most Spirit led prayer meeting I have ever been in. It really connected me to the power of God, the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer. As a united front the body can be used by God and even in the unity itself see the glory of God. From this trip I was challenged mostly in unity, faith and my intimate walk with God; I wish to take these lessons on into this summer and the fall.
The future has me leaving for Iowa City on the 29th for a summer infusion, where we will be working with our church Mars Hill to start a college ministry. Then in the fall I return back to CSU for another year of school and ministry. Please pray for:
- Salvations in Iowa (commitment to a college ministry)
- Unity as a team and with the church
- Spiritual growth for every team member
- Jobs
1 comment:
Wow! That trip sounded really neat! Really eye-opening culture wise, but amazing as witnessing the power of God! May you witness and partake in the power of God in Iowa!
PS and aren't you glad they don't serve licorice and salt in Iowa City ;)
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