I've decide today that I will shut down my blog for good. I took the summer off from it and somethings were revealed to me. For one thing my relationship with God only grew deeper. I was using my blog as the one to pour out my soul to instead of God. That should never be. The thoughts I would post should have gone to God first. I also realized that I seek the approval of others to prove myself and to be satisfied when it is God who should satisfy me.
I spent this morning reading through some past blogs and many brought me to tears I will confess because God has done so much and yet the simple lessons I was learning at the beginning of my walk I am still learning. Funny how that happens. I also recognized that my words were a source of encouragement and/or challenge to you. Recognize that it is our responsibility to exhort our brothers and sisters I will continue to offer myself in time and word to you. But praise God that many of you see me in physical form and may our meetings only become more enriched as we learn to minister to each other.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands. - Psalm 90:17
my word
read and enjoy what God is teaching me everyday as I strive to be an imiator of him and as I long to live life to the fullest until the day that I will stand...no lie facedown...before my King, my Father. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." ~ 1 Peter 1:8
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
There is something about phones that gives me the willies and makes my heart jump a couple beats. Too many bad things have followed a phone call, too many bad memories. Sometimes I’m scared to pick up or even listen to the voice mail because the unknown frightens me to the bone. Shakes and quicken breaths follow and in a dark corner I pray to my God that nothing bad would be on the other end.
A message of a lost loved one, a message of hate and messages of heart ache…confusions and lies…life changes and announcement of things I wish not to hear…suicide attempts and lost ones near…stern voices and shaken lives…act quickly or freeze in panic…erase or face…words I wish not to hear and I wish to never utter…messages that make my heart curdle…midnight or midday and fear comes when ever I hear that ring and see a name…ring!
So what is fear? “A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger” Answers.com would say. Could it be the absence of trust when the unknown is near? Eddie asked and here is my response. When I hear the word fear two scenarios roll through my head. The first is all the times when I pushed God aside and let myself try to take the wheel and sure enough I crash and that is when finally the second scenario occurs as I watch God direct me down a path of good and peace as I’m faced with the fear of God and knowing that I should always choose the path that God directs because He is faithful and knows what is best.
It is in that dark corner I spoke of before and it is on my knees in tears that I have trembled because of the fear of God. No matter what scenario is set before, the anxious feeling in my stomach comes when I fear the phone call and the unknown that follows but it is when my soul trembles as I watch how this mighty King that I can call Father wraps his gracious arms around me and lifts me out of the pit I have dug for the millionth time and shows me that there is far more good things that follow when I trust God and when I make a call to Him no matter how corny that might sound.
This past month I have learned to walk and talk with my God. The most basic of “Christian” things to do but some how the hardest to achieve at. We mask and pretend but the reality is that there is more that awaits us especially if we choose to communion with God. I’m not claiming to be the best but I can’t deny the change that has already occurred. To him I often cry and ask first because I have been relocated from my support barriers in the past. That is Summitview and the rock, my team, accountability partners and close friends. I’m left to discover and build upon a sturdier source, my King and my Father. That is why I’m here to declare to those who check my blog that for the rest of the summer I will not be writing for even as I write this I see it as yet another place in which I pour out instead of pouring out to God…So farewell for the summer.
A message of a lost loved one, a message of hate and messages of heart ache…confusions and lies…life changes and announcement of things I wish not to hear…suicide attempts and lost ones near…stern voices and shaken lives…act quickly or freeze in panic…erase or face…words I wish not to hear and I wish to never utter…messages that make my heart curdle…midnight or midday and fear comes when ever I hear that ring and see a name…ring!
So what is fear? “A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger” Answers.com would say. Could it be the absence of trust when the unknown is near? Eddie asked and here is my response. When I hear the word fear two scenarios roll through my head. The first is all the times when I pushed God aside and let myself try to take the wheel and sure enough I crash and that is when finally the second scenario occurs as I watch God direct me down a path of good and peace as I’m faced with the fear of God and knowing that I should always choose the path that God directs because He is faithful and knows what is best.
It is in that dark corner I spoke of before and it is on my knees in tears that I have trembled because of the fear of God. No matter what scenario is set before, the anxious feeling in my stomach comes when I fear the phone call and the unknown that follows but it is when my soul trembles as I watch how this mighty King that I can call Father wraps his gracious arms around me and lifts me out of the pit I have dug for the millionth time and shows me that there is far more good things that follow when I trust God and when I make a call to Him no matter how corny that might sound.
This past month I have learned to walk and talk with my God. The most basic of “Christian” things to do but some how the hardest to achieve at. We mask and pretend but the reality is that there is more that awaits us especially if we choose to communion with God. I’m not claiming to be the best but I can’t deny the change that has already occurred. To him I often cry and ask first because I have been relocated from my support barriers in the past. That is Summitview and the rock, my team, accountability partners and close friends. I’m left to discover and build upon a sturdier source, my King and my Father. That is why I’m here to declare to those who check my blog that for the rest of the summer I will not be writing for even as I write this I see it as yet another place in which I pour out instead of pouring out to God…So farewell for the summer.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Amsterdam 2007
I have returned from my crazy mission trip in Amsterdam. It was an encouragement for Zolder 50 and for the team. I learned and was challenged in many areas. It is amazing the work God is doing and will do with His people all over the world. Here is a summary of my experiences.

“And you, son of man, neither fear them nor their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house. But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.” – Ezekiel 2:6,7
General observations include an apparent culture difference as I found myself missing free water, free restrooms and larger portions. At the same time I loved the use of bikes to travel throughout the city instead of cars and the many nationalities we encountered 143 to be precise. People were courteous and loved to chat. We rode on trams a good majority of our time and walked every where else and I had to use my map many times over. We stayed at the city shelter on bunks, using lockers to hold our stuff, sleeping with ear plugs and breakfast was usually four pieces of bread with ham/cheese/butter/jam (just a little odd!). We ate out or on the go the whole time and so I ended up trying some interesting foods! Stoopwafels are good, but drop (salty black licorice) is gross, fries with mayo are good and free tea is always nice.

On a heavier note, Amsterdam is indeed a dark place, spiritually. Most people I talked to didn’t believe in God and when asked what the purpose of life was, they would answer to be a good person and live at peace with others. Most didn’t even consider what would happen when they died and didn’t even care, it was just another surprise. The red light district, the soft porn, drugs and alcohol everywhere have just become part of life as sin holds many in bondage.
For being a church in the heart of this dark place and going through struggles with leadership and building issues, Zolder50 still holds so much faith. They welcomed us into their church and poured out their hearts to us as we became one with them. Their faith was a highlight for me as I didn’t expect to work so closely with them. With them we participated in their home groups (small groups) one of which was an all Dutch group that spoke Dutch the whole time. We baby-sat for several families and we participated in a three day serve the city event and festival for the city doing everything from painting, gardening, playing with kids, and handing out flowers.
With the rest of our time we went out sharing and conducting surveys about spiritual beliefs. One of my prayers before going to Amsterdam was to have one good conversation because it is a weakness of mine and I was discouraged because we had little time to go out sharing until the last week when God gave me this verse, “for ‘whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!’” – Romans 10:13-15 Later that day a team member and I met these two women who we talked to for almost two hours about spiritual beliefs and rarely drifted from the topic, encouraging because most people want to talk about everything but what they believe.

The second week we put on a three day seminar on world beliefs and each night had greater attendance and led to good conversations and connections/ relationships for Zolder50. As a group we united to pray for somebody to either get saved or to get connected to Zolder50 and stick with them. We didn’t see how God answered this prayer but lives were defiantly changed by us being there. We didn’t see the fruit but prayfully Zolder50 will reap from our sowing. “Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” – John 4:36 So rejoice for what God has done.
We also had the blessing to work with and encourage a ministry that has parked itself in the heart of the red light district, called the Cleft. They have set their heart and energy on witnessing to not only prostitutes and the men that are in bondage to this sexually sin but also to drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless and many others who find themselves trapped in their sin in this area of Amsterdam. We joined them on bridges over the canals of this district. Every week they go out and worship, read passages from scripture, pray and have conversations with whoever wants to talk. It was an amazing experience to read through Romans out loud as there was worship filling the air and as others were sharing the gospel in conversation. Pray for this ministry and that the Holy Spirit would continue to guide them.

The highlight of the trip for me was a prayer meeting that I participated in during the last night of the seminars. It was the most Spirit led prayer meeting I have ever been in. It really connected me to the power of God, the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer. As a united front the body can be used by God and even in the unity itself see the glory of God. From this trip I was challenged mostly in unity, faith and my intimate walk with God; I wish to take these lessons on into this summer and the fall.
The future has me leaving for Iowa City on the 29th for a summer infusion, where we will be working with our church Mars Hill to start a college ministry. Then in the fall I return back to CSU for another year of school and ministry. Please pray for:
- Salvations in Iowa (commitment to a college ministry)
- Unity as a team and with the church
- Spiritual growth for every team member
- Jobs

“And you, son of man, neither fear them nor their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house. But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.” – Ezekiel 2:6,7
General observations include an apparent culture difference as I found myself missing free water, free restrooms and larger portions. At the same time I loved the use of bikes to travel throughout the city instead of cars and the many nationalities we encountered 143 to be precise. People were courteous and loved to chat. We rode on trams a good majority of our time and walked every where else and I had to use my map many times over. We stayed at the city shelter on bunks, using lockers to hold our stuff, sleeping with ear plugs and breakfast was usually four pieces of bread with ham/cheese/butter/jam (just a little odd!). We ate out or on the go the whole time and so I ended up trying some interesting foods! Stoopwafels are good, but drop (salty black licorice) is gross, fries with mayo are good and free tea is always nice.

On a heavier note, Amsterdam is indeed a dark place, spiritually. Most people I talked to didn’t believe in God and when asked what the purpose of life was, they would answer to be a good person and live at peace with others. Most didn’t even consider what would happen when they died and didn’t even care, it was just another surprise. The red light district, the soft porn, drugs and alcohol everywhere have just become part of life as sin holds many in bondage.
For being a church in the heart of this dark place and going through struggles with leadership and building issues, Zolder50 still holds so much faith. They welcomed us into their church and poured out their hearts to us as we became one with them. Their faith was a highlight for me as I didn’t expect to work so closely with them. With them we participated in their home groups (small groups) one of which was an all Dutch group that spoke Dutch the whole time. We baby-sat for several families and we participated in a three day serve the city event and festival for the city doing everything from painting, gardening, playing with kids, and handing out flowers.
With the rest of our time we went out sharing and conducting surveys about spiritual beliefs. One of my prayers before going to Amsterdam was to have one good conversation because it is a weakness of mine and I was discouraged because we had little time to go out sharing until the last week when God gave me this verse, “for ‘whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!’” – Romans 10:13-15 Later that day a team member and I met these two women who we talked to for almost two hours about spiritual beliefs and rarely drifted from the topic, encouraging because most people want to talk about everything but what they believe.

The second week we put on a three day seminar on world beliefs and each night had greater attendance and led to good conversations and connections/ relationships for Zolder50. As a group we united to pray for somebody to either get saved or to get connected to Zolder50 and stick with them. We didn’t see how God answered this prayer but lives were defiantly changed by us being there. We didn’t see the fruit but prayfully Zolder50 will reap from our sowing. “Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” – John 4:36 So rejoice for what God has done.
We also had the blessing to work with and encourage a ministry that has parked itself in the heart of the red light district, called the Cleft. They have set their heart and energy on witnessing to not only prostitutes and the men that are in bondage to this sexually sin but also to drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless and many others who find themselves trapped in their sin in this area of Amsterdam. We joined them on bridges over the canals of this district. Every week they go out and worship, read passages from scripture, pray and have conversations with whoever wants to talk. It was an amazing experience to read through Romans out loud as there was worship filling the air and as others were sharing the gospel in conversation. Pray for this ministry and that the Holy Spirit would continue to guide them.

The highlight of the trip for me was a prayer meeting that I participated in during the last night of the seminars. It was the most Spirit led prayer meeting I have ever been in. It really connected me to the power of God, the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of prayer. As a united front the body can be used by God and even in the unity itself see the glory of God. From this trip I was challenged mostly in unity, faith and my intimate walk with God; I wish to take these lessons on into this summer and the fall.
The future has me leaving for Iowa City on the 29th for a summer infusion, where we will be working with our church Mars Hill to start a college ministry. Then in the fall I return back to CSU for another year of school and ministry. Please pray for:
- Salvations in Iowa (commitment to a college ministry)
- Unity as a team and with the church
- Spiritual growth for every team member
- Jobs
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Mighty indeed is the Cross
It has been some time since my last post not because of neglect but because I didn't know how to word my life and all that has been developing with my walk with God. I didn't want pity and I didn't want honor from anything that I would post. When God works in our life it is for his glory, and He is indeed working in our lives every second, every breath, every step. What ever seconds might pass (heavy or light), whatever breath might be inhaled (quickened or relaxed), what ever step might be taken (unknown or sure). Praise goes to the One who is worthy, Him only.
This month has been full of ups and downs. Through them all given time I have begun to see the good in them all. The good in the sunny days and the good in the rainy days. The key is not to look at the circumstances but to look at the cross and see that all peace and joy comes from the death of the precious lamb. This month I have tried to carry burdens that are too heavy for me to carry, I have tried to heal my own broken heart and I have turned my eyes from the Lord. But the beauty of Grace is that it is unmerited favor having nothing to do with my works good or bad.
When I was revealed to this truth peace and joy flooded just like we are promised, for grace was abundant. A story of peace began a month ago when I realized that a class I needed to take in the fall is only offered in the Spring. I've been meeting with the professor of that class to possibly arrange an independent study and I have taken many trips to the education building to find alternatives to remedy this kind of critical problem. Last night I received an email from this professor and was faced with the reality that I would have to wait until spring to take this class meaning that I won't graduate for another semester. Peace flooded me and instantly I found myself searching for classes to take in the fall, joy showed itself in me through smiles and happiness. Once again I was reminded of the beauty of walking in God's Will and what it is like to trust the cross and see God's faithfulness.
I don't understand all that has happened and I don't know all that is to come but if faith is taking a step when you don't see the whole staircase and faith is letting go of control of my life and handing it over to God then I still have much faith to be tested. As do we all. But remembering cross and all that was accomplished there peace and joy will surely come.
This month has been full of ups and downs. Through them all given time I have begun to see the good in them all. The good in the sunny days and the good in the rainy days. The key is not to look at the circumstances but to look at the cross and see that all peace and joy comes from the death of the precious lamb. This month I have tried to carry burdens that are too heavy for me to carry, I have tried to heal my own broken heart and I have turned my eyes from the Lord. But the beauty of Grace is that it is unmerited favor having nothing to do with my works good or bad.
When I was revealed to this truth peace and joy flooded just like we are promised, for grace was abundant. A story of peace began a month ago when I realized that a class I needed to take in the fall is only offered in the Spring. I've been meeting with the professor of that class to possibly arrange an independent study and I have taken many trips to the education building to find alternatives to remedy this kind of critical problem. Last night I received an email from this professor and was faced with the reality that I would have to wait until spring to take this class meaning that I won't graduate for another semester. Peace flooded me and instantly I found myself searching for classes to take in the fall, joy showed itself in me through smiles and happiness. Once again I was reminded of the beauty of walking in God's Will and what it is like to trust the cross and see God's faithfulness.
I don't understand all that has happened and I don't know all that is to come but if faith is taking a step when you don't see the whole staircase and faith is letting go of control of my life and handing it over to God then I still have much faith to be tested. As do we all. But remembering cross and all that was accomplished there peace and joy will surely come.
Mighty is the Power of the Cross - Chris Tomlin
What can take a dying man
And raise him up to life again?
What can heal the wounded soul?
What can make us white as snow?
What can fill the emptiness?
What can mend our brokenness? Brokenness?
Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of the cross.
Verse 2:
What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones?
What can save and overcome? Overcome?
*Repeat Chorus*
It's a miracle to me
It's a miracle to me
It's still a mystery
And it's still a mystery
It's a miracle to me
The power of God
Those who believe
Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Oh and mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
I love the cross.
I love the cross.
It's a powerful cross.
What can take a dying man (thank You Jesus)
And raise him up to life again? (thank You Jesus)
Worship You Jesus (wonderful cross)
By Your wounds we are healed
By Your wounds we are saved
Mighty is the power of the cross (echo)
Mighty is the power of the cross (echo)
Thank You Jesus
For the Holy cross
What can take a dying man
And raise him up to life again?
What can heal the wounded soul?
What can make us white as snow?
What can fill the emptiness?
What can mend our brokenness? Brokenness?
Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of the cross.
Verse 2:
What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones?
What can save and overcome? Overcome?
*Repeat Chorus*
It's a miracle to me
It's a miracle to me
It's still a mystery
And it's still a mystery
It's a miracle to me
The power of God
Those who believe
Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Oh and mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
I love the cross.
I love the cross.
It's a powerful cross.
What can take a dying man (thank You Jesus)
And raise him up to life again? (thank You Jesus)
Worship You Jesus (wonderful cross)
By Your wounds we are healed
By Your wounds we are saved
Mighty is the power of the cross (echo)
Mighty is the power of the cross (echo)
Thank You Jesus
For the Holy cross
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Looking in the mirror...
Many times I have stood from my "Righteous" Spot and looked down upon you. I have shaken my head and pretended to cry, pretended to have cared that you were trapped in your sin and without grace you would go to Hell. I looked upon drunkards and idolatrers and every other sinner of the sort. I looked at your evil heart that chose money over the infinte love of God, I looked at your selfishness and wished you lost everything in order to see that all blessings come from God, I laughed at your foolish atempts to work your way to heaven through service and devotion to religious activities, I rebuked you because of your foul language and your lies and your rudness, I threw up because of your hipocrisy and your false witnessing, I disconnected myself from you and your kind, I distanced myself from your unclean hands, I casted you into Hell and I never prayed for you to see the light because I thought there was no hope for such a wretch as you, I let you continue in your sin because to stop you I might have been associated with the corrupt soul that consumes you...from my "righteousness" I only saw the good in me little did I know that if I had only looked in the mirror I would have seen that I was just like you...a sinner
For all have fallen short of the glory of God and There is no one righteous, not even one. This is the truth that we all must face no matter how much we try to cover it with excemptions and dress it in softness...it is the reality of human nature.
But lets not leave it there because with the reality of sin and hell there is the reality of grace and heaven offered through only one, the blemish free son of God, the perfect example of humility and sacrifice...the precious Jesus Christ. Sent by God as a gift of grace as a demonstartion of His infinte love for us. Evidence of His faithful prusuit for our love that we lost during the Fall. He pursues us, now let us not reach the end of our life on earth and miss the opportunity to return to our God with love.
Eternity is for us all, the question is will it be with God or not?
For all have fallen short of the glory of God and There is no one righteous, not even one. This is the truth that we all must face no matter how much we try to cover it with excemptions and dress it in softness...it is the reality of human nature.
But lets not leave it there because with the reality of sin and hell there is the reality of grace and heaven offered through only one, the blemish free son of God, the perfect example of humility and sacrifice...the precious Jesus Christ. Sent by God as a gift of grace as a demonstartion of His infinte love for us. Evidence of His faithful prusuit for our love that we lost during the Fall. He pursues us, now let us not reach the end of our life on earth and miss the opportunity to return to our God with love.
Eternity is for us all, the question is will it be with God or not?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Stand Strong Warrior
We must not lose courage my brothers and sisters there is a battle for souls surrounding us. It may be because I just watched the Lord of the Rings Two Towers and that is why the idea of battle is most prominent in my mind. Yet at the same time these last couple days God has been making it apparent to me that he wants us to stand strong in Him and trust. Faith is one of those words that I seem to know the least about but yet everyday is a chance to learn more. Trust Him and when He tests you which He most diffentially will that is when you learn about faith. When you have to choose to stand by your King and fight for what He desires and to hope in what He promises.
"because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:3-4
Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.
Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
There is something worth fighting for and it is greater than what Frodo and Sam were fighting for. Our hope is in something bigger than a mere good in this world but our hope is in that which is Good, that which is Love, that which is Life and that which is Holy...WE are fighting for our God. That is reason alone to persevere.
"Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God." - Romans 4:20
This is referring to Abraham and because I can't do it justice you must read Romans 4. Let us hope for things that God has promised but seem so hard to have hope in. Let us respect (from NASB version of Romans 4:20) and stand by God's promises for He will never fail!
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 cor. 4:18
Let's not be presuaded to believe in the seen but lets believe and hold true to the unseen. I'm a walking rememberance of God's faithfulness. Seen as one who would never believe in God or be caught in a church. But here I stand as a testiomony of God's Power, he grabbed my heart and softened it for no work of man could have done what he did in my life. He did this for many others and will do it for many more to come and that is a story to come...
"because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:3-4
Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.
Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
There is something worth fighting for and it is greater than what Frodo and Sam were fighting for. Our hope is in something bigger than a mere good in this world but our hope is in that which is Good, that which is Love, that which is Life and that which is Holy...WE are fighting for our God. That is reason alone to persevere.
"Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God." - Romans 4:20
This is referring to Abraham and because I can't do it justice you must read Romans 4. Let us hope for things that God has promised but seem so hard to have hope in. Let us respect (from NASB version of Romans 4:20) and stand by God's promises for He will never fail!
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 cor. 4:18
Let's not be presuaded to believe in the seen but lets believe and hold true to the unseen. I'm a walking rememberance of God's faithfulness. Seen as one who would never believe in God or be caught in a church. But here I stand as a testiomony of God's Power, he grabbed my heart and softened it for no work of man could have done what he did in my life. He did this for many others and will do it for many more to come and that is a story to come...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Half birthdays are one of my favorites!
This really should have been posted yesterday. 2 and 1/2 years ago yesterday I accepted Christ. Hard to believe the time that has past. I was reading my first journal this morning and I'm amazed at what God did with my life right away. The amount of prayer I had for those around me, the grasp of scripture that I had, the joy and thankfulness I had, the searching to know the deeper meaning of every verse I read, the understanding of God's goodness in struggle, the sacrificing of one's life, and the love I had for God. It is that childlike love and dependence that I desire to have once again. Return to my first love that has been my plea to God for the last couple days. Praying like I haven't in so long and oh it is satisfying and joy filling.
In the first two months of my walk I prayed for others everyday, I went to prayer meetings and found that to pray your words don't have to be perfect and you don't have to worry what others think, prayer is from the heart. I struggled with saying prayers out loud until I realised that it needs to be from the heart and once again I recently found myself in such a state. Here I am being encouraged by myself, what a funny thing.
It's beautiful to look back and thank the Lord for every struggle and question because I can see where it has taken me so far. I can see from the beginning I had a heart for discipleship (I prayed for my first disciple within 7 weeks of accepting Christ) and I had a heart for prayer (I had my first all night prayer by myself shortly after 2 months!) I'm amazed and didn't realize the transformations that were happening. I wrote many journal entries about giving it all up and and laying down everything for God (I took a major faith step when I changed majors from Chemical Engineering to Math Education, a step I knew wouldn't go well with my parents)
So dear friend who asked me why to keep a journal here is a reason why!
Be encouraged brothers and sisters by what God has done in your own life and what He is doing in those around you. For many times my journal has made mention of the things others did around me that was a light and encouragement to me, things I'm sure they didn't realize had an impact. Open your eyes to God and open your heart to his deep, deep, everlasting love towards us.
Resting on a deep love that not even words can describe.
In the first two months of my walk I prayed for others everyday, I went to prayer meetings and found that to pray your words don't have to be perfect and you don't have to worry what others think, prayer is from the heart. I struggled with saying prayers out loud until I realised that it needs to be from the heart and once again I recently found myself in such a state. Here I am being encouraged by myself, what a funny thing.
It's beautiful to look back and thank the Lord for every struggle and question because I can see where it has taken me so far. I can see from the beginning I had a heart for discipleship (I prayed for my first disciple within 7 weeks of accepting Christ) and I had a heart for prayer (I had my first all night prayer by myself shortly after 2 months!) I'm amazed and didn't realize the transformations that were happening. I wrote many journal entries about giving it all up and and laying down everything for God (I took a major faith step when I changed majors from Chemical Engineering to Math Education, a step I knew wouldn't go well with my parents)
So dear friend who asked me why to keep a journal here is a reason why!
Be encouraged brothers and sisters by what God has done in your own life and what He is doing in those around you. For many times my journal has made mention of the things others did around me that was a light and encouragement to me, things I'm sure they didn't realize had an impact. Open your eyes to God and open your heart to his deep, deep, everlasting love towards us.
Resting on a deep love that not even words can describe.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I have a number of topics that I could write about
- old people
- junior high kids at concerts
- teaching junior high kids
- a heart after God
- running by faith
but grr I'm sleep deprived and need to make some phone calls and have to study, oh life how it fills my time up, so watch for a future post love ya and read 1 or 2 Chronicles 29 (I don't remember which!) it's about David's heart
- old people
- junior high kids at concerts
- teaching junior high kids
- a heart after God
- running by faith
but grr I'm sleep deprived and need to make some phone calls and have to study, oh life how it fills my time up, so watch for a future post love ya and read 1 or 2 Chronicles 29 (I don't remember which!) it's about David's heart
Monday, March 05, 2007
God's Voice
Listen to Elihu's words as he humbly talks about God to Job
"At this also my heart trembles, and leaps from it's place.
Listen closely to the thunder of His voice,
And the rumbling that goes out from His mouth.
Under the whole heaven He lets it loose,
And His lightning to the ends of the earth.
After it, a voice roars; He thunders with His majestic voice,
And He does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard.
God thunders with His voice wondrously,
Doing great things which we cannot comprehend."
- Job 37:1-5
"At this also my heart trembles, and leaps from it's place.
Listen closely to the thunder of His voice,
And the rumbling that goes out from His mouth.
Under the whole heaven He lets it loose,
And His lightning to the ends of the earth.
After it, a voice roars; He thunders with His majestic voice,
And He does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard.
God thunders with His voice wondrously,
Doing great things which we cannot comprehend."
- Job 37:1-5
Don't forget it is all about God's Glory
Premier Night was last night. The top ten were shown and then judges picked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Part of me really wanted to be first or at least 3rd. But that was the prideful selfish part of me that was seeking the glory of this world. My attitude was off last night I realized after seeing the content and joyful attitude of my fellow directors. Despite what others said I didn't think our movie was that great, excuse for losing, but that is when I wanted to tell Satin to go to hell, for his lies were consuming me. A brother last night after the results were announced told me, that it was 'God's favorite'. A comment that could be said just to comfort but in this case it reminded me that this was God's. He orchestrated it all to perfectly and showed His goodness too often for me to not think that it was for his glory. I don't know what it did but I know that God is pleased and that makes me cry in praise for my God who is beyond all things...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It's Done
For those who don't know and for those who do, the movie is done. Two friends and I made a short film for a contest where you are given a camera and access to a computer lab and a week to put it all to together. We thought of the idea of those people who follow their passions and these passions inspire another to go do their passions. An artsy movie that soon will be posted on Youtube for you all to see, and be inspired!
Most amazing has been God's sovereignty. I have already posted on this but I find the need to come once again. Most recently he has been giving me enough energy to get through the day and the late night editing. He has given me understanding in class and home works pushed ahead and providing for us when we need him. If it doesn't seem it is going the way we think it should He has been providing peace and patience. I know this movie is in God's will and I can trust that my labor is not in vain. He has been loving and good.
That doesn't mean following his will is the easiest way or a struggle free path. It has been hard and tiring and stressful and draining. I haven't been responding the best and I know I haven't rested enough but I'm working on that, actually I've stopped working as hard. I've walked in faith and in that I've gone through one of the hardest struggles, how to love those who don't know God. I've worked many hours on this movie with a dear friend of mine who to this day does know the Lord and several of these were during times of high stress, high tension, lack of sleep and disagreements and miscommunications. I want to respond to every situation as Christ might but I didn't always succeed at it; I've snapped and I've been selfish and not always loving. I don't know how Jesus spent most of his time with those who had not yet believed, how did he love us so much to continue sacrificing himself to the point of death.
Let us love as he loved us!
Most amazing has been God's sovereignty. I have already posted on this but I find the need to come once again. Most recently he has been giving me enough energy to get through the day and the late night editing. He has given me understanding in class and home works pushed ahead and providing for us when we need him. If it doesn't seem it is going the way we think it should He has been providing peace and patience. I know this movie is in God's will and I can trust that my labor is not in vain. He has been loving and good.
That doesn't mean following his will is the easiest way or a struggle free path. It has been hard and tiring and stressful and draining. I haven't been responding the best and I know I haven't rested enough but I'm working on that, actually I've stopped working as hard. I've walked in faith and in that I've gone through one of the hardest struggles, how to love those who don't know God. I've worked many hours on this movie with a dear friend of mine who to this day does know the Lord and several of these were during times of high stress, high tension, lack of sleep and disagreements and miscommunications. I want to respond to every situation as Christ might but I didn't always succeed at it; I've snapped and I've been selfish and not always loving. I don't know how Jesus spent most of his time with those who had not yet believed, how did he love us so much to continue sacrificing himself to the point of death.
Let us love as he loved us!
Monday, February 19, 2007
My Sisters
They're under attack, they're going through some deep waters that are ether Satin's attack or God's refining process. I would like to think it is the later where I envision God knocking them down and kicking them around in a loving way as only God can. It sounds like a bad image and rightly so it doesn't give God enough credit for how much he fights for us and his pure love for us. Tested in the fire they will come out more refined then before and that is the hope that I pray for.
One sister lacks sleep as she handles a trying emotional decision making process
One has roommate issues that have lead to stress and having to sleep on the floor
One finds herself broke and in need of a new place of residence, add pain and lack of fellowship
One has a lot of commuting that is keeping her from many of the people she loves and cherishes
One has been going from stress to stress and now struggles with an illness attacking one she loves
Many more out there I know are faced with struggles, decisions, confusion, emotional drain and whatever else could hit somebody.
But praise be to God who remains perfectly faithful, good and sovereign. He is watching each of these daughters of his with tender love and care and he guides them through the flame of sanctification. My hope is completely in God's plan that I know is perfect to a degree we only see more of as we live because we can not see God completely and live, Yet!
I'm not the only one with this hope, each of these sisters of mine holds it in their hearts and I have found myself loved and encouraged by them. They haven't chosen the easy way out and have not resigned to a pity party. They just want to see God's plan and just want to be a rest in Him.
I love God's love for us, I love the love that he gives us to give back to him, I love the love that he gives us to give back to others, I love God's love for us so deep and enduring... (If you don't believe this or have grown cold, read 1 John)
Pray for my sisters that they wouldn't lose faith, hope and love because without these they wouldn't be refined. Rest in him, only him.
One sister lacks sleep as she handles a trying emotional decision making process
One has roommate issues that have lead to stress and having to sleep on the floor
One finds herself broke and in need of a new place of residence, add pain and lack of fellowship
One has a lot of commuting that is keeping her from many of the people she loves and cherishes
One has been going from stress to stress and now struggles with an illness attacking one she loves
Many more out there I know are faced with struggles, decisions, confusion, emotional drain and whatever else could hit somebody.
But praise be to God who remains perfectly faithful, good and sovereign. He is watching each of these daughters of his with tender love and care and he guides them through the flame of sanctification. My hope is completely in God's plan that I know is perfect to a degree we only see more of as we live because we can not see God completely and live, Yet!
I'm not the only one with this hope, each of these sisters of mine holds it in their hearts and I have found myself loved and encouraged by them. They haven't chosen the easy way out and have not resigned to a pity party. They just want to see God's plan and just want to be a rest in Him.
I love God's love for us, I love the love that he gives us to give back to him, I love the love that he gives us to give back to others, I love God's love for us so deep and enduring... (If you don't believe this or have grown cold, read 1 John)
Pray for my sisters that they wouldn't lose faith, hope and love because without these they wouldn't be refined. Rest in him, only him.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
As the years progress this day has become one of my favorites. Not for the overdone pink and red, or loads of chocolate, or the flowers, or the little notes saying "Be Mine". It is a reminder to me of the Love of God. Is not this the holiday that is focused on love and who better than love Himself should be honored and praised. Today has been a day of struggles, trials, sickness, confusion and failures but it has been the best day because in everything that seemed to be going wrong God showed me the good. From a missed class he gave me amazing conversations, from a sickness he gave me the chance to trust in him, from feelings of dis pair and loneliness he showed me his never ending love and many hearts of stone softened today. God is sovereign over all and hears our every cry and plea. I got a Valentine that says "Follow your dreams on Valentine's Day!" By giving my dreams to God I am following in a different sort of way for today was a day like every other day should be like, a day of following God by the faith we have in his Goodness, Everyday fellow saint, everyday give all to him and when you do, the bad is seen as good. Now I must go to bed and prayfully I'll rise for another day of faith in Him, will you rise in the same way?
Praises go to my God today for everybody in my life that has shown me the love of Christ. Praise to God who loves me still more than I know and has planned my life out in the best way to bring him glory and shower me with all of him. Praise be to Christ who's death makes all things possible for it is Him that we all should strive to be like and he wasn't the one with the most flowers, the best candies nor the nicest, fanciest restaurant...instead he ate with sinners and washed his disciples' feet and showed us the best example of love by dying on the cross and let us not forget this sacrifice.
Praises go to my God today for everybody in my life that has shown me the love of Christ. Praise to God who loves me still more than I know and has planned my life out in the best way to bring him glory and shower me with all of him. Praise be to Christ who's death makes all things possible for it is Him that we all should strive to be like and he wasn't the one with the most flowers, the best candies nor the nicest, fanciest restaurant...instead he ate with sinners and washed his disciples' feet and showed us the best example of love by dying on the cross and let us not forget this sacrifice.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Caught Dancing
I was caught dancing in the bathroom today. I was caught humming a hymn. I was caught staring into outer space, actually caught meditating on his goodness. I was caught expressing joy in a smile and a twinkle. I was caught running and skipping for my King. I was caught praying to my dear God. I was caught in love with my God and at peace with His Will for my life.
Now really I had a moment today that ends or just continues with this post, in the bathroom I stopped and looked upon myself, something I try to avoid as to not get caught up with an obsession on my self. But stopping and looking stopped my rushing mind and pounding heart as I rushed from one thing to another. Busyness of life seems to be my downfall this semester. A song came on my mp3 player, the song itself not important what was important to this moment is that it was just God and me, not a test or homework assignment or ticking seconds.
I most fear the days that I wake up and wonder where the day before went, or week before, month before, year and next thing I know I'm 80 years old wondering what happened to my life, did I bring glory to God or did I just talk about doing so when time freed it's self. But guess what this world is never going to set aside time for us to do God's work. We have to choose to give up and sacrifice something in order that God will get glory but with God in control he will return the sacrifice. I'm not saying you'll get an 'A' in all your classes, or be prompted at work, or get the best things but you will have a 'good' life full of true satisfaction. Looking back at my years I remember most distinctively my time before my lord, my time of fellowship, my struggles and victories, my steps of faith, my times of praise and worship, my times that I saw god's glory and sovereignty. I don't remember what I got on all of my assignments and tests, what I wrote about in my papers or what my mindless chattering with friends were about. I'm not saying to put aside school completely but if you are faced with a choice between school and God I would choose God, He is forever!
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:19-23 NIV
Since we have confidence let us! Let us brothers and sisters! Let us!
Now really I had a moment today that ends or just continues with this post, in the bathroom I stopped and looked upon myself, something I try to avoid as to not get caught up with an obsession on my self. But stopping and looking stopped my rushing mind and pounding heart as I rushed from one thing to another. Busyness of life seems to be my downfall this semester. A song came on my mp3 player, the song itself not important what was important to this moment is that it was just God and me, not a test or homework assignment or ticking seconds.
I most fear the days that I wake up and wonder where the day before went, or week before, month before, year and next thing I know I'm 80 years old wondering what happened to my life, did I bring glory to God or did I just talk about doing so when time freed it's self. But guess what this world is never going to set aside time for us to do God's work. We have to choose to give up and sacrifice something in order that God will get glory but with God in control he will return the sacrifice. I'm not saying you'll get an 'A' in all your classes, or be prompted at work, or get the best things but you will have a 'good' life full of true satisfaction. Looking back at my years I remember most distinctively my time before my lord, my time of fellowship, my struggles and victories, my steps of faith, my times of praise and worship, my times that I saw god's glory and sovereignty. I don't remember what I got on all of my assignments and tests, what I wrote about in my papers or what my mindless chattering with friends were about. I'm not saying to put aside school completely but if you are faced with a choice between school and God I would choose God, He is forever!
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:19-23 NIV
Since we have confidence let us! Let us brothers and sisters! Let us!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Cry for rest... better in David's Words
Do I trust in myself, in the strength of my own endurance?
Do I hope in the horse, and depend on the warrior’s might?
Or do I put my faith and hope in God alone
The one whom is victory and strength
Let Peace and Rest flood my soul
Hope and Faith guide my steps
And Love remind my soul of my worth
On my Rock and in His Arms I fall
In him alone I read and hear
There is no other like our God
I sing, pray and cry, Follow Him
But sin, temptation and the world
Why is it so hard to choose Good
Why do I let Satan in
When a loving gracious God
Is offering all of Him
Sovereign Light lead me Home
Lead me to the spring of life
The well of peace and river of rest
In you I wish to cling
“Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, O those who hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name. Let Your lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon us, According as we have hoped in You.” – Psalm 33:18-22
Do I hope in the horse, and depend on the warrior’s might?
Or do I put my faith and hope in God alone
The one whom is victory and strength
Let Peace and Rest flood my soul
Hope and Faith guide my steps
And Love remind my soul of my worth
On my Rock and in His Arms I fall
In him alone I read and hear
There is no other like our God
I sing, pray and cry, Follow Him
But sin, temptation and the world
Why is it so hard to choose Good
Why do I let Satan in
When a loving gracious God
Is offering all of Him
Sovereign Light lead me Home
Lead me to the spring of life
The well of peace and river of rest
In you I wish to cling
“Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, O those who hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name. Let Your lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon us, According as we have hoped in You.” – Psalm 33:18-22
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Our Sovereign God
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. - proverbs 19:21
Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" - John 11:40
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. - Psalm 20:4
This stroy begins many days ago, but seeing God's glory began Thursday when God began to make it clear that he calls me to give my plans to him, to give everything over in prayer and let him lead...so I started to remember to give him everything, every descison, every hour...Friday morning Laura mentioned a movie making contest (a desire of mine has been to make movies, short little things but I have no equipment) I gave the idea to him for I didn't want to say for sure that we would do it without God's clearing no matter how much I was dying to do it. Laura and I even already had an idea we thought of days before any mention of the contest (God's sovereignty I'm sure)...it became clear that God was giving the go but I kept praying that he would receive glory from it. My fear of making the movie about God kept me from bring up any connection but that is where God stepped up and showed me how great he is. Laura and I discussed ideas for the movie during the last quarter of the super bowl, Robin also was there. It was the two of them (non christians by the way) that suggested the scenes of sermons, worship, prayer and bible reading. That fit perfetly as the ending of the movie. It may not make sense but soon you will all get to see this creation. Praise goes to God who brought it to focus on him and also made everything click and ideas flow and come together. I saw his glory today in an unexpected way and am way excited for this creation, continue to pray that as I work with Laura that she would see more of God as he takes more focus in this movie. He is a sovereign God who is orchestrating every detail of our lives, Praise God all the days of your life for he alone is worthy of Praise.
Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" - John 11:40
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. - Psalm 20:4
This stroy begins many days ago, but seeing God's glory began Thursday when God began to make it clear that he calls me to give my plans to him, to give everything over in prayer and let him lead...so I started to remember to give him everything, every descison, every hour...Friday morning Laura mentioned a movie making contest (a desire of mine has been to make movies, short little things but I have no equipment) I gave the idea to him for I didn't want to say for sure that we would do it without God's clearing no matter how much I was dying to do it. Laura and I even already had an idea we thought of days before any mention of the contest (God's sovereignty I'm sure)...it became clear that God was giving the go but I kept praying that he would receive glory from it. My fear of making the movie about God kept me from bring up any connection but that is where God stepped up and showed me how great he is. Laura and I discussed ideas for the movie during the last quarter of the super bowl, Robin also was there. It was the two of them (non christians by the way) that suggested the scenes of sermons, worship, prayer and bible reading. That fit perfetly as the ending of the movie. It may not make sense but soon you will all get to see this creation. Praise goes to God who brought it to focus on him and also made everything click and ideas flow and come together. I saw his glory today in an unexpected way and am way excited for this creation, continue to pray that as I work with Laura that she would see more of God as he takes more focus in this movie. He is a sovereign God who is orchestrating every detail of our lives, Praise God all the days of your life for he alone is worthy of Praise.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Power of Prayer
This post could be more insightful then it is,
It could be packed full of verses and deep thoughts
It could be a rambling of all the prayers God has answered for me
But it isn't
I just felt the need to share the simple truth that God hears your every cry and he is fighting for you. (Deut. 3:22)
He wants your heart and your life, give it to him!
Surrender and lose your life, just let go.
Pray, pray, pray
until your knees ache
until your eyes are dry from your tears
until your knuckles are sore from knocking
until God tells you to stop, not when you think you are done.
Prayers are to Glorify God, the one who is worthy (Psalm 18:3)
Don't we want to glorify God?
Say no to your flesh and kneel before your Lord
Lets us all be praying together!
It could be packed full of verses and deep thoughts
It could be a rambling of all the prayers God has answered for me
But it isn't
I just felt the need to share the simple truth that God hears your every cry and he is fighting for you. (Deut. 3:22)
He wants your heart and your life, give it to him!
Surrender and lose your life, just let go.
Pray, pray, pray
until your knees ache
until your eyes are dry from your tears
until your knuckles are sore from knocking
until God tells you to stop, not when you think you are done.
Prayers are to Glorify God, the one who is worthy (Psalm 18:3)
Don't we want to glorify God?
Say no to your flesh and kneel before your Lord
Lets us all be praying together!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sick Scale!
My family is sick and no fear because I don't mind getting sick, knock on wood. It doesn't last long, you don't have to work or go to school, everybody is really swell to you, you get special things like orange juice and tea and chicken noodle soup...anywho my bbrother and me discussed illnesses that is their symptoms and put them in a scale of worse to less worse. (This is only an opinion based on past experiences and each symptom can be worse given circumstances. Many of them are related and having more than one always makes worse. And hey if you are sick you are just worse not matter what!)
Cough while having a sorethroat
Stomach Ache
Ear ache
Throwing up/Nausea
runny nose
Get Well All and watch out you nondiseased
Cough while having a sorethroat
Stomach Ache
Ear ache
Throwing up/Nausea
runny nose
Get Well All and watch out you nondiseased
Friday, January 05, 2007
Tribute to Junction City
This story begins the morning of the 31st 2006, 5:30am to be precise, Nick wanted to get on the road right a way. When we left I-70 was closed that is the road that takes you across Kansas and into Colorado, just the route we wanted to take. We took it easy hoping that the roads would clear up as we got to them. Another team had left before us and so kept us informed of the conditions. The road was closed off atSalina and the tail end of the snow storm was passing through. The closer we got to Salina the quicker hotel rooms would be going and so we stopped in Junction City, Kansas. 5 boys and 2 girls grabbed the cheapest rooms at anEconlodge and grabbed cheap food at Walmart, Survivor time! Two other teams arrived in the same city but parked themselves in a different Hotel. With nothing to do we visited our other brothers and sisters. We were all coming back fromFaithwalkers with High Spirits and excitement about what we learned. That is when the idea to put what we learned into practice right a way! We all prayed for our time and guidance. Then we set out to various locations, door to door, Walmart, Grocery store, other churches and Hotels.
My story of Faith took me back to the Econolodge where a few of us hung out with this family we met there. An Army Guy and his wife and three kids ages 18 months, 3 years and four years. The wife was on the phone most of the time and so we talked with the dad and played with the kids. I started playing with the girl, Laura 3 years old. Shy at first but like any other kid was packed full of energy. I was unsure of what God wanted to do with this time but that meant I had to take it by faith. I just played and laughed and what not. Laura began to becomefascinated with the cross around my neck and asked what it was, it took me three times to finally tell her that it was a cross that represented Jesus death on the cross for mine and your sins, I told her that God loved her. I have always had a hard time understanding how a small child could grasp the love of God and so here God was poking at me to share his love with this child. She played with my necklace the rest of the time and started flipping through my bible as well.
We all met up later and shared stories which I find I would not tell just as well but all of them we steps of faith I'm sure the Lord was pleased with. We worshipped and prayed and who knows there might be a little church springing up in this little town of Junction City? We rung in the New Year Together, there is not other way I wished to ring in the Year! To our Lord we gave the year! Next time you drive by Junction City, Kansas please stop and take a step of faith.
My story of Faith took me back to the Econolodge where a few of us hung out with this family we met there. An Army Guy and his wife and three kids ages 18 months, 3 years and four years. The wife was on the phone most of the time and so we talked with the dad and played with the kids. I started playing with the girl, Laura 3 years old. Shy at first but like any other kid was packed full of energy. I was unsure of what God wanted to do with this time but that meant I had to take it by faith. I just played and laughed and what not. Laura began to becomefascinated with the cross around my neck and asked what it was, it took me three times to finally tell her that it was a cross that represented Jesus death on the cross for mine and your sins, I told her that God loved her. I have always had a hard time understanding how a small child could grasp the love of God and so here God was poking at me to share his love with this child. She played with my necklace the rest of the time and started flipping through my bible as well.
We all met up later and shared stories which I find I would not tell just as well but all of them we steps of faith I'm sure the Lord was pleased with. We worshipped and prayed and who knows there might be a little church springing up in this little town of Junction City? We rung in the New Year Together, there is not other way I wished to ring in the Year! To our Lord we gave the year! Next time you drive by Junction City, Kansas please stop and take a step of faith.
The beginning of 2007
We are to proclaim the glories of God and so here is one. I'm late telling the story but let that not take away from God's Glory. This is my last day in Arizona, I came here for a week after Faithwalkers to see my cousin, Aunt, Uncle and grandma. The plan was to fly out of Denver on the first to meet my mom and brother in Phoenix. My flight was scheduled to leave from DIA at 2:35pm on the 1st and here is my entry from that day...
Hard to believe that it is a new year, a year of praises to my God. I start this off with the first amazing story of God's provision. Well since we got stuck in Kansas (that is another story to be told next) I was quite some distance from the airport and my flight was scheduled to leave at 2:35pm. My caravan and the others we ran into all prayed and we set out early to get me to my destination. For along time I was unsure that I was going to make it on time. The roads were ice in spots and so we had to slow down and the first gas station we stopped at was completely frozen in ice! I was at peace for being on standby but everyone was committed to getting me there on time. Fast and choosing to grab and eat on the way instead of stopping and eating. Chris mad dashed me to the airport and I arrived around 1:50 probably enough time if the lines weren't so long! I realized I would have to go standby and so I stood in the much shorter additional service line. To my surprise I discovered that my flight was delayed by almost an hour and I barely made the cut of time to check in. Praises to God flowed out of my mouth. Even the ticket lady mentioned that somebody was watching out for me. I don't know why things happen to us but I do know that there is a big God out there who is sovereign over all. Trust in him and his will for your life. If you are ever delayed or things seem to be going against you all he does is good. I was blessed by this delay while from a different point of view it is easy for us to grumble but don't because God is Good! I wish I could bestow this peace and joy on those who might see it as an inconvenience but until we die to ourselves and our plans and choose to trust God's plan we will not expression the Spirit of God. May I not forget this time when I'm on the other side.
Hard to believe that it is a new year, a year of praises to my God. I start this off with the first amazing story of God's provision. Well since we got stuck in Kansas (that is another story to be told next) I was quite some distance from the airport and my flight was scheduled to leave at 2:35pm. My caravan and the others we ran into all prayed and we set out early to get me to my destination. For along time I was unsure that I was going to make it on time. The roads were ice in spots and so we had to slow down and the first gas station we stopped at was completely frozen in ice! I was at peace for being on standby but everyone was committed to getting me there on time. Fast and choosing to grab and eat on the way instead of stopping and eating. Chris mad dashed me to the airport and I arrived around 1:50 probably enough time if the lines weren't so long! I realized I would have to go standby and so I stood in the much shorter additional service line. To my surprise I discovered that my flight was delayed by almost an hour and I barely made the cut of time to check in. Praises to God flowed out of my mouth. Even the ticket lady mentioned that somebody was watching out for me. I don't know why things happen to us but I do know that there is a big God out there who is sovereign over all. Trust in him and his will for your life. If you are ever delayed or things seem to be going against you all he does is good. I was blessed by this delay while from a different point of view it is easy for us to grumble but don't because God is Good! I wish I could bestow this peace and joy on those who might see it as an inconvenience but until we die to ourselves and our plans and choose to trust God's plan we will not expression the Spirit of God. May I not forget this time when I'm on the other side.
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