Yesterday I was tired and in pain and so I laid down to take a nap in my high rising dorm loft, oh how sweet. Midway through such said nap the rain began to pour. I smelled it with joy, felt little droplets squeeze through the screen of my window and tap my face and hand, I felt the breeze of the cool light wind, I heard the tap of rain drops on the window pane and the loud crack of lightening. Oh what a glorious nap. God knows I love the rain so thank you dear sweet lover. He is so good to us and so loving. I can't deny it. Thinking back on my honors seminar and it's search for self, asking questions about what is real and what we can trust. I don't know anything but the only thing that matters, God is real and loves me. His son died for each one of my sins and now I can stand with courage before my God, my King, my Lover. Oh what joyous resting truth.
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' - Jeremiah 33:3
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