my word

read and enjoy what God is teaching me everyday as I strive to be an imiator of him and as I long to live life to the fullest until the day that I will lie facedown...before my King, my Father. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." ~ 1 Peter 1:8

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cold World

Maybe it was because my bones still ached with cold from my morning walk to class or maybe I was just faced with the truth today. This world is a dark, damp and cold place to live. When it is warm it is only an inlusion that this world isn't as bad as it is. But the clouds will cover the sun and then the truth will be revealed. Hatred all around, jealousy as green as the grass that I lay upon, and standards that the most elite will never achieve. They try to convince you that they approve with their fake smiles and yellow stars covering the truth. Deep down they disapprove and expect so much more, expect perfect. I'm sick of trying to polish my silver for their acceptance ,only to watch them shake their heads because the reflection back is not what they want to see. But I am not them, I am from another world. I stand out like the yellow leaves in the trees. Not the same as the rest but that is fine with me because what they see as weaknesses God sees as strengths. For some one who has MANY weaknesses that makes me want to shout with Joy because I can see why I should boast for the LORD.

"The bows of the warriors are broken, but those who stumbled are armed with strength" - 1 Samuel 2:4

"The ransomed of the LORD will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. 'I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mortal men, the sons of men, who are but grass, that you forget the LORD your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth.'" - Isaiah 51:11-13b

Do you hear, do you see, do you understand if not at least stand in faith with me and others for we are the ones armed with strength, true strength that comes from God. We are on the victorious side. Join brothers and sisters, the LORD is our King!

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